Sunday, September 26, 2010

The New Machine

The two new machines currently in design are to see the model in a new way emphasizing something about the model and cubism.  The other is to see nothing at all.  After taking a trip to the local photo store I came across and old movie editor and an old camera and lens.  While exploring the film editor I learned just how it worked.  It uses a low voltage bulb at the base which shines light onto a small lens which projects the light onto and through the film strip which than hits a series of mirrors at different angles finally projecting the light onto the plexiglas allowing one to see the film at a bigger scale.  With this in mind I came up with the idea of possibly allowing one to view my model through that screen or possibly at a large scale in the same manner.  However, the model is solid and I cannot project light through it.  In tern I though of either taking actual film and projecting it through a similar projector emphasizing certain aspects of the model.  Also I came up with another idea of using a black light on the white model in a completely dark environment.  Possibly this light will allow enough light to be reflected off of the  model to be projected using a series of mirrors.  I am thinking if i can get enough light to reflect off of the model, I will be able to project it onto a wall or screen.  I am going to further develop the idea this weekend though and see if it is possible.

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