Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Exploration in Cubism

With the use of Juan Gris' Violin and Glass, I have begun to analyze cubism by deciphering the cubist painting.  At first look at the painting it is hard to decipher the different pieces of the painting.  However, Juan Gris's use of color made a good starting point at defining the depth of the space assuming lighter and brighter colors are in the foreground and the darker colors are further back in space.  I began to fold and manipulate the painting in attempt to physically bring the brighter colors forward and push the darker colors back creating a third dimension of the painting.  As I continued folding the objects and the space it became easier to decipher the space and objects within the painting.  I than decided to analyse just the objects in the painting by folding in the same manner as before.  This enabled me to come to a purposed placement of the objects in the space, the violin for example, may be laying on the table on the sheet music.  Since one can make out the on side of the violin, and the front face of it, I came to the conclusion it may be laying at an angle where in actuality you would be able to see both of these faces that are depicted.  The same can be said for the glass which may be standing on the table on top of a roll of sheet music.  However, i am still exploring the painting in hopes of becoming more certain in my decisions on the objects placement as well as the space that the objects are in.

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