Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A New Site

Studying the new site of the Harvard campus located in Cambridge Mass, has offered many issues in deciding which location on the site is the best location for the purposed design.  While researching the site i took care to notice the language that many buildings have with one another.  For example, Memorial Church and Wildener Library sitting face to face create a great space that I would rather not disturb.  This space is filled with foliage that appears to be older than most on the site.  Furthermore, The Robinson, Sever and Emerson buildings create a similar space while also speaking with the street.  However, the lower right corner of the campus seems to be lacking this language.  it consists of a series of smaller buildings that do speak to one another in some means but not as strongly as the others.  In this area though there is an underground library that one would have to deal with.  This area does though have limited greenery that seems to be younger in age in comparison.  I am therefore thinking this may be an ideal location.  I would be able to provide this space with a possible language connecting all of the surrounding buildings as well as to the street that runs next to the area.  It also sits diaganol to the Carpeter center allowing me to utilize my design solution as a connection for the carpenter center to the rest of the campus.  Overall I feel that this area needs the most improvement and I feel that it may be to disastrous to disturb the other buildings and their language with one another where this area is lacking just that.

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