Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Habitable Circulation

While working further in section and plan I came up with a solid programmatic design with circulation consisting of variable spaces from tight to open penetrating the different pieces of program.  As one accesses the building from the long access, one would see a large cantilever that also drops funneling the viewer into a tighter space which than opens up into a space between wigglesworth dorms and the film archive hovering above.  one is then once again forced into a tighter space as the building continues downward once again touching the ground.  where the entrance occurs.  The entrance consisting of an open space begins one's climb through program.  However, as one travels through space, they are not just traveling through circulation space but gallery space as well.  Furthermore, as one climbs they are next faced with the three different theaters branching off from the circulation while also dropping down from the level or climbing further upward.  Yet all of the theaters are linked together with the film archival space which is also the main support for the structure being the programatical leader.  Although the circulation is separate from the theaters, one still has the ability to experience the activities inside the theaters as the films are projected onto surface that would allow visibility from both interior and exterior circulation space as well as the anticipated theater space.  Furthermore, the circulation penetrates the theater spaces above the line of view of anyone in the theater yet low enough for one to have the same experience in the circulation space.  Ultimately, the circulation narrows once again only to open up again into the more private educational and administration areas.  These areas being more private are furthest from the public spaces yet link the rest of the building to the main library.  They also provide views outward towards the surrounding city being the highest point and being the ultimate destination.

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