Thursday, October 7, 2010

Exploration of the New

While further looking into the site I had previously chosen, I found it to be simply to safe of a solution.  I feel that if I place my proposed design solution on this site, it will be merely to boring among other things.  I want my site to have more of an impact on the Harvard campus, shocking one into seeing the connection between the new and old.  My site is the beginning of my design and its placement is just as important as the structure itself.  The site should be something more radical possibly an unconventional location, possibly a narrow space or the space above all the existing libraries.  However, this seems too radical but I am seeking a challenge from my site.  I have therefor been looking further into the wedge shaped site between the Widener Library and the Wigglesworth Dorms.  This narrow tight wedge offers me the challenge I believe I am looking for while allowing for exaggerated perspectives.  It is also within a close proximity to the libraries so programaticaly it is logical.  It creates the connection from the old Wigglesworth to the modern Carpenter Center through a narrow view framed by the Houghton Library and the Lamont Library.  This new site has plenty of potential as well as many challenges however, it offers a slight disturbance to the Harvard campus as well as a connection.

1 comment:

  1. matt... interesting beginning... work with drawings/diagrams as well... (starting from the draw-dels sometimes keeps things too imprecise... the other way around forces precision that becomes mediated through the new means of representation)
